Breaking News !! Leadership Training Course ( LTC ) will be organised on the coming holidays to fill up your holidays with excitement , joy , fun and so on. For more information , please refer below here.

Date : 13 March - 15 March ( 3 days 2 nite )

Venue : St John Ambulance Headquater

Fee : Rm 18

For those who are interested please give your name and pay your fee to Rachel Ruran Leong ( 4 Alpha) or En Eng Ying ( 2 Merah ) As soon as possible

For further information please find Rachel Leong ( 4 Alpha ) or Ho Kuok How ( 6 Atas Alpha )


posted by St John's Ambulance Stampin

Finally, the blog is up and running again with more updates from the Junior Division..

The first junior meeting of 2008 started off with some babbling from 2 Adult members, and then we're off to some more serious stuff.

Code of Chivalry

Next, we moved into the basic concept of First Aid, DR. ABC.

Forgive some people who just love their face to be taken.

"What should you do when the casualty has breathing and heartbeat, but unconscious?"

"Recovery Position!"

Teaching is boring, maybe at the end of the day, a little bit of activity can lift up the spirit..

I hope it did... -_-

That's it for this time around. More updates are guaranteed in... weeks to come...


posted by St John's Ambulance Stampin