A year gone and we're back with the eagerly-anticipated LTC! Unfortunately, the reporter was not there for the entire 4 days, so what he got was a few photos from the final day.. Yeap for all those seniors reading this, you all know what to expect from the final day. ;-) Here are the 4 lovely, lovely judges sitting at 4 corner.. and Kho "NOOB" Yan... It was a lovely day, with a lovely weather... and the young Cadets prepared themselves for the big test. Okay, maybe not by taking photos... Once it started off... En Yng reporting in.. This team looks neat. ;) Camp is always tiring, what more to say for four days... Therefore it is understandable that... and of course, kepo ying lin had something to say too... and tents were to be kept... Photos were taken by her.... Others did not do anything but... into an elephant. After years in St. John, you know that certain things just never change... Like this pose... There were group presentations after lunch... Julia was so excited about her stuff But Ming Haw, on the left, wasn't very keen about it... Or maybe he was just nervous because... and Natalie taught everyone how to do a catwalk properly. Okay, after all those... the end is near... After the photo taking session, a "teary" sharing session was held and... ended with a RAWR! That's all from us for the LTC 2010. We sign off with a big, wide smile... -THE END- .............................. ..................... ............... ......... ... Why r u still scrolling down?!
Anyway, we have new coordinators for our Juniors! Woohoo!! I believe most of you know them anyway. It's... the group of "Penarik Kereta"! Lim and Leong.. We've plenty of new members... and some old faces.. Not very happy I took his photo.. Ms. Lim is ever so caring when it comes to teaching young kids.. while Ms. Leong... well, doing what she does best.. ...Bullying.
The information below are the overall results for the competition during the camp:- Ranking Group 1: 65.39% Group 6: 65.30% Group 4: 63.97% Group 5: 60.00% Group 2: 59.90% Group 3: 56.40% Group 7: 43.15% Please do try harder next time and congratulations to those who did a great job. =) posted by St John's Ambulance Stampin
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